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FSTA - Resources for Librarians

A hub of resources to help build awareness, drive usage, and provide training for the FSTA database..


Social media is a great way to build awareness of library resources and drive usage. 

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Ideas for social media posts

Here are a few ideas to inspire your library social media posts, which you can customise with the most relevant subject area and the url for the database on your own platform. 

  • Struggling to find the latest food research for your literature review? Try FSTA today <URL>
  • Studying food or health? Try the FSTA database to find the latest research <URL>
  • FSTA filters out predatory journals, helping you feel confident that the food information research you have found is authoritative <URL>
  • With every record comprehensively indexed for efficient searching, FSTA is the key resource for food resource. Unlock the latest findings today at <URL>
  • Articles, books, patents & conference proceedings – with FSTA, the latest scientific and technological food information is at your fingertips. Try it today at <URL>
  • Keeping up-to-date with research can be tough. Access FSTA now for an efficient solution in the sciences of food and health <URL>
  • From brewing to biotechnology, farm to fork, FSTA is the key database for food research. Search it today at <URL> 
  • Budding scientists & aspiring professionals, find the most relevant research efficiently with our premium food & health database, FSTA <URL>
  • Jam-packed with core & multidisciplinary research, FSTA is the essential tool for food science & nutrition students: <URL>
  • Keep on top of developments in the sciences of food & health with FSTA, a comprehensive database for students & faculty alike <URL>
  • Studying <subject>, <subject> or <subject>? For the latest food research, try FSTA today <URL>?
  • With comprehensive keyword tags on every record, FSTA helps you find relevant & reliable results quickly <URL>
  • Don't waste time scrolling through irrelevant search results. Use FSTA for quick, high-quality food information <URL>