We offer a variety of free training materials, including videos, downloadable documents, and regular webinars, in order to help users search as effectively as possible. Take a look below to find a range of information on how to get the most out of FSTA on the Ovid platform.
These resources are designed for anyone using FSTA to study or research, and for anyone supporting this research. In particular, we hope that these materials will be especially useful for those providing training and support to library users. You can even add these resources to your own training materials, website, or subject guides.
Develop your research skills in the sciences of food & health with FSTA’s free 4-part tutorial. Being able to effectively and efficiently search for quality research in the sciences of food and health is a key skill for students and researchers. These new tutorials for FSTA on Ovid are designed to give you an overview of FSTA content and the essential skills to search the FSTA database and find quality literature successfully.
Discover more about these resources without the need for a trial – they're freely accessible to all FSTA customers. Click here to access the tutorials and elevate your research skills today.