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Good review practice: a researcher guide to systematic review methodology in the sciences of food and health
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Good review practice: a researcher guide to systematic review methodology in the sciences of food and health
About this guide
Part A: Systematic review method
Part B: Preparing for conduct
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What are Good Practice points?
Part C: The core steps of the SR process
1. Framing the question
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1.1 Setting eligibility criteria
1.2 Identifying search terms
1.3 Protocol development
2. Searching for studies
3. Screening the results
4. Evaluation of included studies: quality assessment
5. Data extraction
6. Data synthesis and summary
7. Presenting results
Appendix A
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Links to current versions of the reference guidelines
Download templates
Food science databases
Process management tools
Screening tools
Reference management tools
Grey literature sources
Appendix B
Links for access to protocol repository and platforms for registration
Links for access to PRISMA frameworks
Links for access to 'Risk of Bias' assessment tools for quantitative and qualitative studies
Links for access to grading checklists
Links for access to reporting checklists
Supplementary materials
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What questions are suitable for the systematic review methodology?
How to assess feasibility of using the method?
What is a scoping study and how to construct one?
How to construct a systematic review protocol?
How to construct a comprehensive search?
Study designs and levels of evidence
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Links for access to grading checklists
Links for access to grading checklists
Links for access to 'Risk of Bias' assessment tools for quantitative and qualitative studies
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